Ok, I know I already posted once today, but my boss is out of the office and I have a bit of time and I was thinking about something I thought was funny.
So I am at work, and I dont know the people I find jobs for very well. I mean, I get to know them a bit but we aren't like good buddies or anything. Anyway, my point...I just got off the phone with this one guy, and he isn't the only one who does it, but he called me Ash. I think that is just too weird. Most of my close friends and family dont even call me that, only a select few. I get a kick out of it.
Also, another funny thing happened today at work. The building manager was in this morning giving us a memo that said the bathrooms and hallways were being painted, and it could take up to about a week, so if we needed to go to the bathroom we had to use the port a potties (I dont know how you spell that) that they would be putting in the parking lot. I was a little set back by this, I was thinking to myself...there is no way I am using a the bathroom outside. Anyway he had me going for pretty much the whole morning, but by noon he came in again and I asked him if he was kidding. He was....THANK GOODNESS! I would have had to go to one of the other buildings. Anyway it is all sorted out! Anyway that has been my day so far!
Hope you are all enjoying your days!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Feast or Famine
Posted by Ashley at 2:22 p.m. 4 comments
Sorry, it's been a while
Posted by Ashley at 7:52 a.m. 3 comments
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Weekend in review...sorry no pics
So...now after looking through everyone elses blogs, i dont like my set up, but I dont want to change it because then I am like everyone else. (I will probably do it later :) ).
Not too much is going on in the Quist house. Our fish had 15 baby fish. That's a lot! So we went to walmart to get a new fish bowl to keep the little ones in (because the big fish will eat them if they are hungry...how gross is that!) So we got a bowl at walmart on friday. When we were coming out of walmart I saw a guy going into the store with a very weird shaped face. When I got closer to him i realized he had THE MUMPS! I was so ticked, and if i wasn't totally afraid of getting the mumps I would have said something to him. For those of you who dont know...there have been over 200 confirmed cases of the mumps in halifax alone since feb this year. That's huge! A normal amount for ALL of canada in a year is like 60 or something. Also, they are saying that alot of the people getting it already had the immunization. Anyway, I was mad that this guy was out in public with the mumps...it's just soooo selfish!
the weekend was pretty good, friday was spent relaxing (i think). Then on saturday Chad had to work in the morning so I got up and cleaned the whole apartment. Then we went out to Zellers and got some new bed stuff. I am trying to put together my own bedding. I have everything now except for a duvet cover. If anyone know a really good place to get a duvet cover please let me know. I am thinking I will just have to make it because I already have a specific one in my head and that is always hard to find. But any suggestions are welcome. I have checked zellers, superstore, linen n things, ebay and walmart. Anyway I am excited to put it all together.
Then Chad and I imposed on Josh and Julia and got them to join us for dinner on friday night. We went to Lonestar. It was ok food, not the best trip there though.
Sunday was good, we went to stake conference which was packed! then hung out with Chd's family. It's always good to see everyone especially since everyone is taking some vacations and it might be a while until the next time.
Then sunday night we went to josh and Julia's to play buzz word. It was a good game. It was boys against girls. Us girls did awesome on the first round, but the 2nd and 3rd not so much. It was fun anyway though.
Well this morning Chad had to work at 7, so I was dropped off at work at 6:50am when i dont start work till 8am. That's how I was able to do a little blogging. But it is now 8 and I must get to it. If anyone has any work from home business that works, suggestions on that would also be helpful! Have a good day all!
oh...i just heard on the radio that yesterday evening there was a serious domestic dispute where a guy beat up his g/f or wife, then when he let her go, he took another woman in his apartment with her baby. I guess there was a stand off for 5 hours...why I am telling you this...it was on mandaville court, where chad and I used to be the superintendants. I'm glad we weren't there for that! ok now I am done.
Posted by Ashley at 7:35 a.m. 5 comments
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Pretty good weekend...
So I haven't posted because life the past week has been boring. I guess boring is good since it involves no drama, but suck because well....it's borning. Anyway, there were a few cool things this weekend. Oh first, on wednesday Chad and Josh had a YM activity, so Julia and I decided to go see a movie. We went to see In the Land of Women. I think we both agreed that we left unsatisfied. I just thought it was going to be different than it turn out to be. I wouldn't recommend it, however there are some people who enjoyed it that I know so I dont know. Then thursday was work (blah) and Friday, also work. Then on Firday night Katrina has a bunch of us family over to celebrate Logan's 23rd birthday (which was on thrusday). It was fun, Katrina made a cool cake. It was a battle scene complete with little army men. It looked great, however I think 3 out of 4 of us had no batteries for our camera's, so I am still trying to get a hold of the picture of the cake. It was a fun night though.
Then on Saturday was relaxing and fun. the morning/afternoon relaxed, then we went to the church at 4 for the baptism of Michael Glatze. He is very cool, he seems so excited to have found the gospel, it is very inspiring. Then we had a ward activity full of food, games and socializing. It was fun, near the end a few of the guys had a pie eating contest (see pictures below) It was disgusting as most eating contests are. It was a close race between Chad and Kent Wentzel. They called it a tie, however Julia and I both agreed that Chad won cause he didn't use his hands at all (kent used the pie plate to help a little). But it was very close.
Kevin Mudrow, Kent Wentzel, Chad Quist ans Chris Cartrell. This is about part way through. Kent and Chad near the very end. Chad looks like he is going to throw up!
Then Saturday night we went to the movies with Josh and Julia. It was good. We went to see Fracture. I really liked it. I love Anthony Hopkins, he is such a good actor. I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend seeing it.
Sunday was jam packed as always. Brant and Melissa's baby Reese was blessed on sunday so Chad and I went to the dartmouth ward for church. Reese is so cute. It was a very nice blessing. The rest of church was pertty good too. Then we went to Chad's grandparents for a big pancake feast. Good times. Chad and I had to leave around 6 though to go home teaching. I got to go with him because his companion was sick. His families are great. It was a fun night.
That brings us to last night...Chad and I watched Deja Vu. I loved it. I thought it was really good. Right after we finished it I had to call my Mom for a recepie, my sister answered and I asked her what she was doing, she said they were all just starting to watch Deja Vu. I thought that was cool. Anyway, now it is tuesday and I am at work, and I should probably get some things started. Hope you all have a good day!
Posted by Ashley at 7:47 a.m. 3 comments