I cant believe how far beind I am on my posts! But I am going to copy Julia's idea and do a couple of quick posts with pictures to get caught up.
Post number 1 Canada Day
So that firday began with an awesome bithday dinner for Katrina. A bunch of us girls got together and went out to eat at Pizza Delight. It was a lot of fun.
Katrina Opening Presents
Then right after dinner, Chad and I left to go to my parents for the weekend. We spent out time relaxing, swimming and watching fire works. I saw fireworks 3 times that weekend! Fireworks and probably my favorite thing ever! Also, my Dad was on his annual camping trip tp PEI and I wanted to spend some time with him so we went over to see him on sunday and camped with him till monday. It was good we got to see everyone. It was also our first camping trip of the summer. Here are some pictures:
This is my parents pool, my 2 sisters enjoying the cold water!
This is Chad, Steve and Amy on the ferry over to PEI. I have no idea what they were looking at
We were trying to guess...how many adults they have in here? What do you think?
it seems like so long ago eh?
Wow sooo many posts!! I love it!!
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