Last night was Julia and Jolynne's open house baby shower. It was a lot of fun! It is always a good time when a bunch of girls get together. But I must tell you that it was not fun putting Julia's present together! I made her a diaper cake. I have made round ones before, so I thought I would try a square one...they looked easier to make, you dont have to spend all the time rolling the diapers. Well let me tell you....the square ones are not easier! Not even close! It took me like 3 hours and it still didn't turn out exctally the way I wanted. It did look cute though.
There were a lot of nice gifts last night. Those little babies will be cute in all their new clothes!
I wish I had taken some pictures!
This one I took at home the night before, after my back breaking work! Seriously my back hurt for like 2 days after I made this.
So, other than that, we haven't been up to too much. Trying to get packed. Our place is a total mess which can get frustrating, but it will be really nice to get into the new place and hopefully everything will have a place. It is coming too fast!
Anyway hopefully you all have a good weekend! I'll try to do something exciting so I can post about it on Monday!